3 Pests to Be on the Lookout For in Your Yard This Spring

From fire ants to fleas and ticks, there are plenty of pests that love to come out and enjoy the sunshine once spring arrives. Fortunately, your local pest control service can help you fight back when these pests make their way into your yard or home. Here are some of the most common pests to be on the lookout for this spring.

1. Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks love warmer weather, especially because it means you’re taking your dog out for longer walks or going for hikes. During these walks, fleas and ticks are likely to leap onto your dog’s fur or onto your legs while you’re walking through tall grass. If you’ve noticed an infestation of fleas and ticks around your yard, it’s in your best interest to contact your local pest control service for professional flea and tick control. These pests are not only annoying but they can also put your health at risk.

2. Fire Ants

Fire ants are a notorious pest, and you never want to experience a bite on your bare feet while walking through your yard. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, as many as 30% of people who live in fire ant-infested areas are stung by a fire ant at least one time every year. If you’ve noticed ant hills popping up in your grass as the weather gets warmer, be sure to contact the professionals for fire ant control now rather than later. If you leave these pests untreated, fire ants will continue to make new colonies and mounds around your yard.

3. Mosquitoes

Another pest that loves warmer weather is mosquitoes. Your home may be more prone to mosquito infestations if you have standing water on your property. Don’t let these bloodsuckers keep you from wearing your favorite t-shirts and shorts once the weather heats up. Contact your local pest control service to treat your yard to restore your property to its former glory.

These are just three of the most common pests you can expect to see around your home once the weather starts to get warmer this spring. Fortunately, by taking a proactive approach and treating your yard for these pests as soon as you spot them now, you can save yourself and your family a whole lot of heartache.

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